Dear Parents, Guardians and Community Members
On Tuesday 30 May the P&C are holding a Pyjama Day. Students can wear their pyjamas on this day for a gold coin donation. The P&C will also be opening the canteen at recess on this day for students to purchase morning tea goodies. If you are able to help the P&C by making a donation of food or assisting with selling at recess time, please sign up on their volunteer sign-up page by following the link: VolunteerSignup – Online volunteer signup sheets – Pyjama Day – Morning Tea signup sheet or see the Yakamia Primary School P&C facebook page.
Next term we have Interm Swimming for Pre Primary to Year 6 in Weeks 1 and 2. Notes will be sent home next week.
On Monday the 15 May we were very fortunate to have a music performance for students PP – Yr 6 Rhythm Works, a percussion duo introduced a range of instruments to students including African djembes, marimbas, electronic loop machines, boomwhackers, and wearable instruments made out of PVC pipe. Thank you to Mrs Grosshans for organising this incursion and using the experience in our students music lessons.
Reading Breakfast Club is back up and running for the term and we are looking for parent/carer or grandparent helpers to support in the morning with cooking and/or listening to student reading. If you could spare some time any morning Monday to Thursday 8am to 8:50am to assist it would be greatly appreciated. Please see the front office if you are interested in volunteering some time to support this valuable program.
Last week we held our House Cross Country for Years 3-6. Students demonstrated great persistence and determination in working to achieve their personal best time. Well done to all who gave it there best for their House. The winning House and medallion winners will be announced at our next assembly.
Our next assembly will be hosted by Room 15 on Friday 2 June. All families are welcome to attend.
Kind regards—Gemma Larham