Dear Parents, Guardians and Community Members
Well done to all students who attended the House Swimming Carnival on Tuesday. It was pleasing to see the amazing effort all students made in their races and the support they gave their team members.
Congratulations to Kardar for winning the carnival. Thank you to staff for supporting students on the day and to Mr McFarlane for organising the carnival.
Congratulations to the following students for being elected as House Captains for 2024. These students received their badges at our first assembly and we are looking forward to them assisting with sports and carnivals over the year.
Kardar: Valentina Tieman, Lexi Wicks
Quenda: Michael Elphick, Emily Avey
Karrak: Jaxon Unwin, Jadon Kelder
As part of enhancing communication with parents this year, all class teachers will be communicating with parents through their class Connect group. You have been linked to each of your children’s classes, with their Room number as the name of the group. Teachers will use this to send out notes and class notices for parents. Please download the Connect app on your phones for easy access and if you are having any problems with your Connect login, please contact the front office so we can assist you. A booklet on how to use Connect will be sent to all families next week.
We currently have vacancies for two parent representatives and one community representative to join our School Board for 2024. The School Board at Yakamia PS is a proactive group of parents, staff and community members who focus on school programs and the needs of our students. The School Board plays an important role in establishing and reviewing directions of the school, endorsing the school budget and evaluating school performance. All members voices are valued and we strive to provide the best opportunities for our students at Yakamia. Representatives are appointed for a three year tenure. Meetings of the Board are held twice a Term after school from 4pm for one hour.
All members must complete a Nationally Coordinated History Check through the Departments of Education’s screening unit before commencing. There is no cost for this check and you will be sent a link to complete this once you have nominated.
Any parents or community members who would like to nominate for a position on the board are to complete a nomination form attached to this newsletter, or collect one from the front office to complete. Nomination forms are due back to the front office by Friday 1 March 2024.
We would love to see new people joining our Board and supporting our school and students.
Our next assembly is on Friday 23 February and will be hosted by Room 13. All families are welcome to attend.
Kind regards
Gemma Larham – Principal