Dear Parents, Guardians and Community Members
Last week we held an ANZAC assembly to remember the courage and sacrifice of those who have fought in wars for our country. After the assembly all students laid a flower at the flag pole to create a wreath of remembrance. Thank you to students for bringing a flower to school and showing sincere respect on this day.
On the 25 April we had 42 students who represented Yakamia Primary School and marched in the Albany ANZAC parade. Thank you to all of these students who participated and showed outstanding respect throughout the march and service.
At our school development day, staff attended professional learning presented by ‘Real Schools’ on building a culture of belonging, being safe and strong trusting relationships by implementing restorative practices in our school.
This was the first of a number of professional learning workshops staff will participate in over the next three years. Our aim is to build a culture of belonging, empathy and care for others, responsibility for yourself and an ability to express feelings and emotions in order to solve conflicts and to have clear expectations of behaviour and how we treat others in our school. We have a three year partnership with Real Schools and Candice Brown, who is a facilitator from Real Schools, who will be working with our school during this time. She will work with staff and parents to embed a restorative culture and practices in our school.
We will have a parent session to give more information and an opportunity to ask any questions about this approach on Monday 10 June (in the afternoon, time to be confirmed soon). We would love to see all parents come along to this session. More information will be provided in the coming weeks.
At our last school Board Meeting, the board members reviewed our Dress Code Policy. Please see the updated policy in this newsletter.
Next Friday we have our House Cross Country for Years 3-6 students. This will commence at 1:40pm and parents are welcome to attend. Our next assembly will be hosted by Room 15 on Friday 10 May at 9am, all families are welcome!
Kind regards—Gemma Larham