Dear Parents, Guardians and Community Members
This Term we will be celebrating Book Week, in Week 6 (19—23 August). The theme this year is Reading is Magic and we will have lots of activities during the week to inspire students to read and enjoy books. Friday 23 August we will have our annual Book Week Dress Up Parade. All students and staff can dress as their favourite book character for the day and we will parade our costumes at the special Book Week Assembly at 9am. All parents are welcome to attend this assembly.
We also have our family Book Nook challenge. Families are invited to create a book nook diorama at home which will be displayed in the library and there will be two $50 book vouchers to be won. Please see the note on Connect or the note in the newsletter for more information about this challenge (including size). Book Nooks are due to the library by 15 August.
In March this year a note was sent home and put on Connect to provide important dates throughout the year. One of these events was Pre-Primary to Year 6 swimming lessons. Swimming lessons are allocated to schools and we don’t get to choose. This is why swimming dates can be different each year.
This year we have been allocated Weeks 9 and 10 of Term 4. We see many advantages to this including the younger years being older and more independent to dress themselves, warmer weather, students swimming skills being developed ready for swimming on the summer holidays and it is an enjoyable way to end the year.
However, it is close to Christmas and we don’t want to make a financial impact on families at this time of the year. So due to this timing we will be asking for swimming lessons to be paid for at the beginning of Term 4, enabling families to be able to budget accordingly. Notes for swimming lessons will go home at the end of Term 3 so families have enough time to save and pay for lessons.
Year 6 Graduation will be held on Thursday 28 November (Week 8), the day before their orientation to NASHS. They will also end the year with a class celebration with their teachers in the last week of school.
A reminder that students are required to wear school uniform each day. The school uniform consist of red tops and green bottoms. Please ensure your child is wearing green pants/shorts/skirt and not black, and a school jumper. If your child needs a school jumper, please see the uniform shop on assembly days, or you can order online. Second-hand items are also available from the front office. Please label all jumpers so they can be returned to students if misplaced. Thank you for your support.
Kind regards — Gemma Larham