Our school

Yakamia Primary School is located in Yakamia, a high growth area in the City of Albany. The school is one of the largest in regional WA taking students from the City of Albany and surrounding areas.

Translated from the local Aboriginal language, Yakamia means ‘Sister to a small creek’. In the school emblem, the concentric circles represent the watercourse of Yakamia Creek, which flows past the school. The profiles of the boy and girl enclosed by concentric circles symbolises a child-centred school.

The school has an outstanding pastoral care program and is part of the National Safe Schools Framework, which aims to combat any form of bullying. The school has also thoroughly trained staff in the Tribes process, which aims to teach students processes to cooperate, interact with others and to build a positive culture for learning and human development throughout the school. The Five Tribes Agreements form the basis of our relationships in the school:

1. Personal Best and Personal Responsibility
2. Appreciation – No Put Downs
3. Attentive Listening
4. Mutual Respect
5. Right to Pass

Other highly regarded and successful specialist programs operating in the school include: Physical Education, Music, Italian, Library studies, Talented and Gifted, Albany District Oral Language Focus in Pre-Primary to Year 2 Classes, the Getting-It-Right Numeracy Strategy, a Smart Start (which aims to support the 0-4 age group via school and inter agency cooperation), and Cooperative Learning (the basis of much teaching and learning throughout the school, based on outcomes education and changes to classroom teaching).

The school has many high performing students in and out of school. Our ex-students have chosen a range of career options and personal interest fields to excel in. Some of the exceptional achievements include: several AFL & WAFL football stars, the captain of the WA Women’s Hockey team and representatives at state level; and high-level achievement in Medicine, Engineering, Computer Science, Teaching and various other university level careers. Many high performing ex-students excel in business and trade careers and one of the three finalists of Australian Idol in 2004 was an ex-student.

This list touches on the range of interests and careers our students have chosen. Success comes from a solid grounding in skills, attitudes and values. The broad-based curriculum at Yakamia, with a focus on personal best, ensures our students are ready for challenges that life is sure to throw at them.

The staff at Yakamia is highly experienced and skilled in many areas. Naturally, our school is well regarded within the local community and we have numerous students from other areas wishing to enrol at our school. We pride ourselves on the positive relationships that exist between staff, students and parents. The school has a very active Parents and Citizens Association, and a group of highly committed parents who support the school in a multitude of different ways. We are proud of this level of interaction between staff, students and parents, of the wide range of learning activities and of the success that is achieved by Yakamia Primary School.