From teh Principal

Dear Parents, Guardians and Community Members Last week we celebrated Book Week with lots of activities to build the love of reading. Throughout the week classes buddied up and read together and these buddies then worked together on Friday to complete the Book Week treasure hunt. We had our annual Book Week Dress Up Day … Find out more…

From the Principal

Dear Parents, Guardians and Community Members This Term we will be celebrating Book Week, in Week 6 (19—23 August). The theme this year is Reading is Magic and we will have lots of activities during the week to inspire students to read and enjoy books. Friday 23 August we will have our annual Book Week … Find out more…

From the Principal

Dear Parents, Guardians and Community Members Last week we held our House Cross Country for Years 3-6. Students demonstrated great persistence and determination in working to achieve their personal best time. Well done to all who gave it their best for theirHouse. The winning House and medallion winners will be announced at our next assembly.Next … Find out more…

From the Principal

Dear Parents, Guardians and Community Members Last week we held an ANZAC assembly to remember the courage and sacrifice of those who have fought in wars for our country. After the assembly all students laid a flower at the flag pole to create a wreath of remembrance. Thank you to students for bringing a flower … Find out more…

From the Principal

Dear Parents, Guardians and Community Members Last Friday a team of 50 students represented Yakamia in the A Division Interschool Swimming Carnival. Congratulations to Albany Primary School for winning the carnival. We came 4th in the overall carnival and 3rd in the handicap. Congratulations to Austin and Ben who came 3rd and Ruby who came … Find out more…

From the Principal

Dear Parents, Guardians and Community Members Well done to all students who attended the House Swimming Carnival on Tuesday. It was pleasing to see the amazing effort all students made in their races and the support they gave their team members. Congratulations to Kardar for winning the carnival. Thank you to staff for supporting students … Find out more…

From the Principal

Welcome back to school for 2024. We have had a great start to the year, with students settling into class with ease and enthusiasm. It has been wonderful seeing parents and carers in classes and around the school, communicating with class teachers and making connections with other families. We look forward to working with all … Find out more…

From the Principal

Dear Parents, Guardians and Community Members Welcome back to Term 4, I hope you all had a relaxing break and are ready for our final term this year. This term we have many fun and important events including our House Athletics Carnival Week 2, Year 6 graduation Week 10, Pursuit of Excellence awards and transition … Find out more…

From the Principal

Dear Parents, Guardians and Community Members Thank you to all the families who attended our Learning Journey on Wednesday evening. It was great to see so many students and their families engaging in the activities each class provided. Thank you to the P&C and staff who assisted with the sausage sizzle, pop-up café and parents … Find out more…

From the Principal

Dear Parents, Guardians and Community Members Last week we celebrated Book Week and students participated in a range of exciting activities to promote the love of reading. Classes buddied up and did buddy reading throughout the week and these buddies then worked together to complete a treasure hunt on the Friday afternoon. Students participated in … Find out more…